About Our Team
Kroeker Partners is an affiliation of teams formed into authentic partnerships based on mutuality of goals and interestsLeadership

Mark Kroeker
Founder and Senior Partner
Mark provides, overall chief executive leadership for the corporation and he brings together world class members of partnerships and teams. He brings to Kroeker Partners more than 5 decades of experience in a wide range of disciplines including roles in law enforcement, peacekeeping and the corporate world. He has served in positions from Police Officer to Police Chief in the Los Angeles and Portland Oregon police organizations. His global experience includes positions from UN Police Commissioner to interim Assistant Secretary General in a peacekeeping operation for the United Nations. He has also served as a Vice President and Senior Vice President in the corporate world including oversight of threat analysis and crisis management for the Walt Disney Company and has been program manager for justice and rule of law related contracts for PAE, a government contracting company. He is serving on or has participated in numerous global and domestic boards and projects such as the American- Palestinian-Israeli-Anti- Incitement Committee, the International Scientific Council for the Research Center on Contemporary Criminal Threats – (University of Paris), the International Network to Promote the rule of Law INPROL, the International Justice Mission IJM, the Advisory Group for the UN Joint Study on Protection of Civilians in Peacekeeping Missions, the Rand Advisory Group on the Assessment of Afghanistan Security Forces, the Advisory Board UCLA Extension Emergency Management and Homeland Security and the World Children’s Transplant Fund of which he is Founder and Chairman.
Bachelor of Science, Criminal Justice, California State University, Los Angeles
Master of Science, International Public Administration, University of Southern California
Certificate, Traffic Police Administration and Training , Northwestern University
National Security Forum, Air War College, United States Air Force
Graduate, California Law Enforcement Command College

Kent Kroeker
Partner and Chief Operations Officer
Kent is responsible for top quality operational leadership for the corporation. Kent brings to Kroeker Partners a rich career in military, business enterprise and crisis management operations. During the Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts, as a United States Marine Corps Officer Kent served as a pilot and participated in ground operations in various capacities including Aircraft Commander, Forward Air Controller, Operations Officer, Anti-Terrorism/Force Protection Officer and Foreign Area Officer, eventually attaining the rank of Major before moving to the private sector. He also brings extensive experience in a broad range of global business development, academic, military, aviation operations, risk management and leadership training. He has conducted military, aviation, security operations and training throughout North America, Europe, Middle East, Gulf States (UAE), Southwest Asia (Iraq and Kuwait), Central Asia (Afghanistan, Kyrgyzstan), East and West Africa, Southeast Asia, Australia and the Pacific Rim. Kent specializes in “post event” failure investigations, process optimization and operational culture reform in military, police, industrial and governmental settings. He is a highly sought after speaker, executive leadership coach and trainer on topics such as Plan-based Execution, Objective-based Decision Making and Operational Risk Management in various industries, worldwide.
Bachelor of Science, International Relations University of Southern California,
Graduate Studies, Philosophy and French Civilization and Culture, Sorbonne, Paris
Masters, Anti-Corruption Studies, International Anti-Corruption Academy, Vienna